GESTURE: Deriving Performance-Optimized Gestural Interaction

Gesture is a starting grant project funded by The French National Research Agency (grant number ANR-16-CE33-0023). The project started in February 2017 for a duration of 4 years.


This project in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) aims at developing user expertise in interactive systems so that users can quickly and efficiently select a large set of commands. It focuses on gestural interaction, a promising input modality for selecting commands. Indeed, gestural interaction can drastically shift the learning curve of users on a wide variety of platforms (e.g. wearables) and thus deeply modify how users will interact with novel technologies. However, it is first necessary to establish a fundamental understanding of gestural interaction that influences usability and performance of information systems. This project addresses this objective and provides methods and tools to help designers to create gestural interaction.





Gilles Bailly (gilles [.] bailly [@] sorbonne-university [.] fr)


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