Title: Remote collaboration across large interactive spaces
Where: ISIR Lab, Room H20
When: June 14, 10:00AM
Abstract: In my thesis, I study communication for remote collaboration across wall-sized displays, a technology that allows two collaborators to move in a large space and to interact using their bodies. These characteristics make traditional tools (e.g. a skype call) fall short. Informed by structured observation, I built CamRay, a system that uses camera arrays to capture user’s faces as they move, and display their video across a remote tiled wall-sized display. I study how to support different types of communication in remote collaboration by leveraging collaborator’s movement. I perform two main studies that inform the design of future systems for collaboration across wall-sized displays.
Short bio: Ignacio Avellino is a PhD Candidate at the ExSitu, Inria Saclay, under the supervision of Michel Beaudouin-Lafon and Cédric Fleury. He was born in Uruguay where he obtained his computer engineer degree, working also in industry for one and a half years in software design and development. He completed a double-degree HCI master program, jointly at RWHT Aachen and UNITN Trento universities, where he focused on using everyday objects as input devices. Currently he is in his last year of his PhD thesis; his research focuses on enabling effective communication through technology.