Oleksandra Vereschak


Oleksandra VERESCHAK was a PhD student at Sorbonne Université, she successfully defended her PhD thesis in December 2022. Her main focus of interest is users’ trust in Artificial Intelligence (AI), which situates her work in the interdisciplinary domain of Human-AI interaction. She predominantly focuses on the AI-based systems assisting human decision making in the high-risk contexts such as medical, recruiting, and credit decision making. She studies not only what influences human trust, but also how to improve experimental protocols to evaluate it drawing from her social sciences background.


Formalities aside, I am Aleks, nice to meet you !

I am working under supervision of Gilles Bailly and Baptiste Caramiaux at ISIR, Sorbonne Université, on trust in AI assisting decision making.

Personal website: aleks-v.owlstown.net

Once in a blue moon, I tweet @aleks_vereschak .

Also, follow our HCI team Twitter account @HCISorbonne !